Monday, July 27, 2009

had enough


okay, so the last post was written by a completely different person.

I feel horrible.
I am currently in my hotel room in Chiangmai, Thailand, about to do my first "trial teaching class."

My spirit is gone. In everything.

Last night I lost my wallet. It had my driver's license (I had just renewed it), 90 bucks (I had just withdrawn it), debit card (of course), and SS number (everyone's been telling me not to keep it on me....this is why).

I have no money in my bank account, no will to live in this stalehole of a countryside, not enough funds and too much time to be a tourist, and barely enough funds and will to live to make it back to the US.

Now I have to be dependent on the charity of my boyfriend's family. I am not into this. At all. This gamble was such a failure. I can't believe I spent thousands on my wild plan, only to be going "home" 2 months later. "Home" because I left it in brooklyn. I can't go back. This is just so miserable.

Sean is pacing, reading out his lesson plan, looking worried.
Why do we have to do trial teaching? I really have just given up on the whole prospect. Would Dr. Stephen give us our certificates if we didn't go through with this? He already ripped us off $1,600. It's the least he can do.

This whole program is a joke. A bloody joke.

I admit it.
I did wrong.
I made a mistake.
I want to go home.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Welcome! Entry Uno!

Welcome to my blog!

I've been blogging on and off on my livejournal account for....ready?....7 years. Almost a 3rd of my life. However, new headspace, fresh blog, I'm ready to start from scratch. A little about myself for you new readers.

My name is Tash.

I currently live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA, Earth. I love it here.

I am about to graduate from NYU. I spent my academic years in Gallatin School of Individualized Study, which allows students to create unquie hodge podge majors of their own design. My concentration was in Creative Expression, Healing, and Social Change. I'm very interested in Expressive Art Therapies, and am seriously considering going to grad school in the next few years to get my licesnse as an expressive therapist. I would like my practice to use performance art and circus as the healing modality.

Which brings me to my next point. I'm a hula hooper.

Tash Spinning Fire in Costa Rica from The Gyronauts on Vimeo.

I am in love with my best friend in the entire world, Sean. Crazy thing is, he loves me too! We met during welcome week Freshman year of college, and have been inseperable ever sense. Sean is an arty farty sports loving, spandex wearing Texan, with a keen eye for fashion, and jaw dropping technical skill with poi, hoop, and anything else that you can spin around. He's graduating in May as well and majored in Theater and minored in Irish. Sean is not Irish. However he speaks more Galeic than a Dubliner. Sean's allergic to dogs, cats, pollen, etc..., wears glasses, suffers from asthma, and only eats foods with consistant textures. His favorite meat is chicken.

Sean and I are part of a fantastic glam-rock-your socks off hoop troupe called The Gyronauts. We're awesome. ( This is one of the biggest things I'll miss of New York City. My Gyronaut-y silvery comrades, and the subculture here that allows us to perform in fantastic spectacles of body paint, sequins, LED lights, tassles, and fishnets. We are to the novelty act scene, what David Bowie is to rock and roll, with the budget of someone who is quite quite the opposite of rich. We spend a lot of our money at Spandex House and Strech World two of my favorite business establishments in the city.

The GYRONAUTS! 2008 demo! from The Gyronauts on Vimeo.

Oh! And Sean and I are moving to Asia! First we have to move all our crap from Brooklyn to Dallas, where Sean's family lives. Then we're off to Chiang Mai, Thailand, for some teacher certification with Paradise TEFL. My brother Dimitri will be tagging along, rock climbing, and making a documentary...on something. I'm really not clear what the topic is...but he's coming. Then it's off to an ideally kick ass job teaching English in either S. Korea or Japan. Hopefully we'll find/convert some like minded circus fab friends on the way.